Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Illustrative Alphabet AD

Ad for the illustrative alphabet
Headline type

I also revised my type portrait, go look below!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Block of Type

Block of type, including ads, signage, and logos from a block at a shopping mall.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Illustrative Alphabet

This typeface is based on events, ranging from political to social, that happened so far in 2011.
I feel I could improve on the imagery a lot more and before I could place this in an ad to "sell" it should be a little refined.

If there are any changes that I would make is to add more of my own style, and make it the actual letters flow better rather than focusing too much of the symbolism.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Charley Harper

These are the things that inspire me as an artist and a designer.
Clever logos and different expression of typography inspires me the most.
Also car design and the Bible gives me alot of inspiration as a designer.

Added some more inspiration as I was browsing through pinterest.

Geometric shapes, interesting patterns, and combo.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Design Trends

Some trends in the design world I see happening are the use of clever info graphics, lots of texture in print media, and choice of a light color palette.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Friday, September 2, 2011

Good V Bad

Here are some of the good designs I see floating around on the web.

This is by Tang Yau Hoong and he did multiple pieces using negative space such as this one. It's clever and I just enjoyed looking at this piece.

This is the logo rebranding for OCAD University, and I thought it was very interesting how they used this logo. What I like about this logo is that it is simple and very flexible on how you can use it. The size of the squares are consistent, as far as placement and what goes inside the squares can depend on where they use the logo. Just as an example, they use this logo for their student ID cards and inside the largest square they would place the photo of the student.

I really love the texture and how the artist used the typography to show the ocean waves. The image and the text go really well together, very clever also.

Package design Salih Kucuaga.

And some bad - decent ones.

This logo seems to be a little vague and droopy. Just by looking quickly, the d's can look like g's with the bottom part coming down. Not too memorable, and I feel like it can be refined a bit more as far as readability.

Bad Logo